Matched Savings provides confidence and motivation…
Denise graduated from Matched Savings just over 5 years ago. She used her savings and grant to start a cleaning company, which has been a success and a reliable source of income for her.
She has stayed connected to Launch and has volunteered her time to talk to community groups about the program and has joined new Matched Savings Classes to share her experience.
“I found the program so helpful both in terms of the knowledge gained and the confidence and motivation it provided to me. Before joining this program, I struggled with my financial and credit problems alone. The Matched Savings Program was a positive learning environment where my shame and feelings of failure were replaced with understanding and encouragement. It just worked for me. “
“I became motivated and equipped to start managing my finances rather than my finances managing me. Although the focus of the program was on finances, I learned that I had the ability to move forward in my life. This was huge for me. I began to believe in myself and the fact that I have the ability to rise above my problems and difficulties.”
To support the Matched Savings program and Launch Okanagan’s work in the community, donate now.