The YMCA of Southern Interior BC – Jumpstart Employment Essentials program in Kelowna, B.C. offers youth between the ages of 15-30 an employment program that helps develop skills in fundamental employability and life skills necessary to obtain and maintain employment in the labour market.
We have been involved with the Launch Program since January 2016 welcoming their instructor to teach fundamental budgeting and money management to our youth. We have built curriculum time into our program calendar as we understand what a vital base of knowledge Launch offers for young workers beginning their potential earning years.
To date, more than 150 youth from the YMCA Jumpstart program have taken part in the Launch Primer for Life program. This is generally the first time our youth have received any type of money management guidance giving them very real and significant information for their earnings. We have witnessed the positive impact on the lives of many of our youth who have created goals and plans for their earnings, not previously considered.
We at Jumpstart, wholly support the Launch program and will continue to incorporate their curriculum into ours as a necessary part of education for becoming responsible, successful, productive members of society. Without the Launch program, we would not be able to offer the learning opportunities for becoming aware and informed consumers.
A number of our participants have chosen to participate further with Launch and join their more advanced money management, matching and investment programs.
Cassandra Thomas
General Manager, Community & Employment Services
YMCA of Southern Interior BC