Single mom of two “incredibly excited” to put new skills to work…
Rochelle is a single mom of two that we met at NOW Canada when she participated in a Dollars and Sense workshop. Her feedback speaks volumes of the impact of financial literacy programs especially for single moms.
We love highlighting moms as we’ve found that they are often the most successful participants in our Matched Savings program. After successfully completing the Dollars and Sense workshp, she applied and was accepted into the Matched Savings program as well. Now the sky is the limit!
“The Dollars and Sense program ignited a passion inside of me for saving money. I recently opened two savings accounts and saved $80. That’s the first time that I have done that.
I applied for the Matched Savings Program and was just accepted. I want to use the grant to further my own education. I am also in the process of opening an RESP family plan at my bank. I’m going to apply for the BC Training and Education Savings grant for my 6 year old son and the Canada Learning Bond for both of my children.
I am incredibly excited to be taking my power back in this area of my life! And excited to be a part of an incredible program!” Rochelle.